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Falcon Fuse

A media management software for filmmakers bridgining the gap and fating the process work between Production and Post-Production.

Product Design | Software | UX/UI

Power Monitor

A widget-application which improves computer performance and provides an overall smooth experience with real time tracking of CPU, GPU, RAM, storage and network usage.

Product Design | Software | UX/UI


An e-commerce super-app for beauty solutions, which has saloon booking, shopping and saloon locator features, beauty related reels for both men and women.

Product Design | AppDesign | E-Commerce

Couple Digits

A science fiction film which on the paradox of how humans are becoming more robots and robots becoming more humane.

Filmmaking | Science - Fiction


A finance app for freelancers to keep a track of their income, savings and budget.

Product Design | App Design | Fintech


Desig concepts for the Bio-Lite brand for clean and sustainable desig alternatives

Industrial Design | Design Concept

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